• How To Examine Your Business Venture

    In order for a project to be "guaranteed", it is important for investors to fully investigate the riskiness of the project

  • As we all know in the entrepreneurial circle, the most difficult is the creation of "from zero to one", and the most difficult stage may be the first year from zero. I believe it goes without saying that you may also have observed that many newly opened restaurants have collapsed in a year or two, and many mobile apps have stopped serving soon. According to data from Bloomberg News Agency, 8/10 of innovative enterprises failed in the first 18 months of entrepreneurship, which can be said to be the peak of failure. What kind of cycle will there be in the initial stage of entrepreneurship, and how to deal with it?

  • Entrepreneurship is the process by which entrepreneurs and their entrepreneurial partners optimise and integrate the resources they have or can have through their efforts to create greater economic or social value.

  • It is of course best to be able to do everything, but entrepreneurial success is not something that can be achieved overnight, and to think that you will have the qualities to succeed in a few days can only be a whimsy. Believe in yourself, believe in your ambitions and make yourself better every day so that your success in business can be real and reliable.

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